The Universe is bringing us great vibes in this new year, and the Moon is one of options, leading us to clarity in our choices. A big part of our life is a result of the little choices we make every day. There are many things you don’t like in your life. It’s time to start tweaking these things and making better choices. Quit doing just what you’re able to do, figure out what you were made to do, and then do more of it. It’s very easy to get sidetracked by insignificant issues in life. If you spend a lot of time on trivial stuff, you won’t have time to contemplate things that matter. Values matter. Make decisions that are consistent with your core beliefs and values. The alternative invariably leads to regret. And if you only have fifteen minutes a day to spare, make those fifteen minutes count by making a point of dedicating this time every day to meaningful activities.
People born on January 2nd are very charismatic with a love for splendor and magnificence. You take great delight in creating a lifestyle in which you can enjoy the good things in life. You are very persuasive and believe in causes with all of your heart. You can easily burn yourself out and need someone around to remind you to take better care of yourself.
Daily thought for January 2nd: A man should never be ashamed to admit that he has been in the wrong. What he is saying is that he is wiser today than yesterday.