Earth Day is a day we celebrate in April. Honor the planet by taking measures to care for the Earth on this special day. There are many ways of celebrating this day. Plant something. There are trees, shrubs and flowering plants that would thrive in your back yard. Look around at antique stores, thrift shops, yard sales and other secondhand stores for unusual finds to furnish your digs. You’ll be practicing recycling in its highest form, and you will have a nest with more character than you could ever buy at a trendy home furnishing store.
Buy a few large canvas shopping bags and take them along when you do your grocery shopping, or any other type of shopping as well. Refuse the paper or plastic offered to you. Choose bags that are attractive enough that you’ll want to use them.
Say no to herbicides, pesticides and chemical fertilizers. Leave your car at home and walk as often as possible. Be aware of the life around you — trees, flowers, birds, insects, even the beauty of flowering weeds. When possible, volunteer for any projects near you. We all need to do our part in celebrating Earth Day. Let’s make this a planet we can all be proud of.
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