There is a power in taking, but more power in giving. There is a power in revenge, but more power in forgiving. There is a power in destroying, but more power in letting something live. There is a power in denying our true age, but more power in showing that we’ve lived.
Personal power is based on strength we have acquired in our life. It is accepting responsibility for the choices we have made, and working to fix our mistakes and learning from them. It is being kind to ourselves and our friends, family and people we interact with on a daily basis. It is understanding the importance of our self-esteem. Be the best you can be, respect your power.
“Achievement doesn’t come from what we do, but from who we are. Our worldly power results from our personal power. Our career is an extension of our personality. People who profoundly achieve aren’t necessarily people who do so much, they’re people around whom things get done. Mahatma Gandhi and JFK were great examples of this. Their great achievements lay in all the energy they stirred in other people, the invisible forces they unleashed around them. By touching their own depths, they touched the depths within others. That kind of charisma, the power to affect what happens on the earth, from an invisible realm within is the natural right and function of the son of God. New frontiers are internal ones, the real stretch is always within us. Instead of expanding our ability or willingness to go out and get anything, we expand our ability to receive what is already here for us. Personal power emanates from someone who takes life seriously. The universe takes us as seriously as we take it. There is no greater seriousness than the full appreciation of the power and importance of love. Miracles flow from the recognition that love is the purpose of our career.” ~ Marianne Williamson, A Return to Love: Reflections on the Principles of “A Course in Miracles” ~
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