Angels are on a mission to encourage us in our daily lives, to give us hope that things will be fine. They give us hints so that we may find solutions for our problems. They guide us to find encouragement and workable solutions. We just have to be aware that there is help and there is hope. Hope will make things better, people will get brighter and more inspired, and they can start to achieve greater things. As hope grows, it gives strength and courage.
Angels are messengers of hope. They do their best to grow the light of hope within each and every one of us. If you feel that you are not loved or cared for by anyone, you are wrong. The angels are there for you, you just have to look for signs. Talk to your angels, tell them what you need. The gift of love for your angels will grow more and more within you, and you will start to share the love with others. Your angels are there behind you, and all around you, watching out for you, every moment of your life. Love can change people and has the power to change the world we live in, to make it a wonderful place.
An Angel to guide you through your toughest day, an Angel to wash all your tears away. An Angel to firmly hold your hand, an Angel to talk to, someone to understand.
An Angel to comfort you through a hard time, An Angel to give you hope that everything will be fine. An Angel to show you the strength to cope. An Angel so beautiful, an Angel called Hope.
We at believe that when we are shown love by anyone, even a stranger, it stirs up the love within us and makes it stronger. The potential for love is limitless.