Affirmations to God and the Angels to be said daily.
- I am surrounded by Angels Right Now!
- The angels shine the love of God upon me and through me.
- I accept this love from God and the angels.
- I deserve love.
- I deserve happiness
- I deserve health.
- I deserve help from heaven, and I accept it now.
- I call upon God and the angels to help and guide me.
- I listen to my inner voice and feelings.
- My inner voice and feelings is guidance from God and the angels.
- This guidance is everything I need.
- I follow my guidance in full faith.
- I know that God and the angels love me and are guiding me right now.
- I accept the angels’ love.
- I accept love.
- I am love.
- I am loving.
- Everyone loves me.
- I love everyone.
- I forgive everyone.
- I forgive myself.
- I accept the loving energy of God and the Angels to guide my every action.
- I send God’s love to everyone I meet.
- I guard my thoughts carefully and only allow positive and loving thoughts to come through.
- There is an abundance of love in the world.
- There is enough for everyone.
- There is plenty to go around.
- I have an abundance of everything.
- I attract wonderful, loving people into my life.
- My angels and I enjoy new opportunities to give service to the world.
- I am rewarded constantly.
- My life is harmonious and peaceful.
- I am peaceful.
- I am radiant.
- I am joyful.