Tomorrow’s God says that every church is “his church” and every faith is “her faith,” and every soul is God’s soul, because it shares the same soul with God! And no person or living thing in the universe stands outside of the community of God. ~ Neale Donald Walsch (Tomorrow’s God: Our Greatest Spiritual Challenge) ~
The community of God, where God’s souls collect, gives us a place to air our growth and our struggles, our successes and failures. It simply gives us a way of guiding each other ever more fully in the ways of Christ. We are all one in the community of God.
We may walk our own paths, but we are not alone, for we walk at the same time, toward the same end/beginning. From our individual perspectives, be we Pagan, Christian, Muslim, Jew, Buddist, Taoist, or Hindu, are the same. We see each other as brothers and sisters, allowing the boundary lines of religion to fade away.
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