Father/Mother God: I surrender the pictures I have long held of the way I think things should happen. I surrender the outcomes I have attached to my goals and plans. I surrender the problems and challenges I have been holding onto by reliving and retelling them over and over.
I surrender my stubbornness and rigidity. I surrender the pain from the past and fear of the future. I surrender any outmoded beliefs I still cling to. I surrender everything that is not part of Your plan for me. I accept and act on the guidance You provide when I ask. I say yes to the new life You are creating in and through me. I say yes to the rebirth of the Christ in me. I accept Your will as my own and I let it be. Amen.
“Dear Father,
You know how I have resented the problems in my life, and you know how I have resisted the things that have caused me pain that I can’t change. You know that I’ve asked you many times for an explanation that has never come.
Today, I want to stop fighting you over things I don’t understand. Forgive me. I want to begin the path of personal peace. So I ask you for help. Help me to change the things that I can, and help me to accept the things that cannot be changed. Help me, Jesus, to trust in your loving care when things don’t make sense. Help me to trust that you are a good God and that you have my best interest at heart.
Today, I make an unconditional surrender of all my life to your loving care and control. Please give me your strength and wisdom and peace and purpose. I want to make peace with God by faith so that I can have the peace of God through you, Jesus Christ. Amen.”
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