To know that we maintain an identity independent of the physical body is proof enough of immortality. ~The Science of Mind ~
We are a Divine Being. We need Divine Love. Divine Love makes no demand. It is spontaneous and constant. It is unlimited in every way. It is like the sun. The sun is for everybody. Everybody can use the sunlight, but if we keep our doors and windows shut, what can the sun do? It is God’s divine Love that has to act in and through human love. But if we do not care for the Divine Love that is flowing around us or wants to flow in us, then the Divine Love cannot function in and through us.
Change your consciousness from that of a mortal to a Divine Being. Invite God to take control of every area of your life – from your work to your romantic relationships – and to transform you from the inside out. Then you’ll have the power to live with integrity and grow into a truly good person – not just someone who tries hard to act the part.
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