A man is but the product of his thoughts. What he thinks, he becomes. ~ Mohandas K. Gandhi ~
What we focus on, becomes our reality. It is important to understand that you mind is a very powerful thing, and most of us take it for granted. We think we aren’t in control. but we actually have command of our thoughts, and we become them. Focus on what you believe will make you happy and your life will change in a glorious way.
Your thoughts do not own you. Stop your negative thoughts in their tracks by realizing that you’re in charge of what you think, not the other way around. Take time to figure out what you really want. When you feel yourself feeling negative about things that you haven’t accomplished, take time to think if you really want those things.
Finding out what is really important to you can help eliminate bad feelings over things that you don’t truly want.
(Visit us at www.secretserendipity.com.)