Always aim at complete harmony of thought and word and deed. Always aim at purifying your thoughts and everything will be well. ~ Mohandas K. Gandhi ~
Such a Beautiful Thought – If we can bring our Thoughts, Words and Deeds in harmony we can truly explore our potential, talent and capability by channelizing our energies towards realizing the purpose of life… Truly Happiness lies in the harmony of thoughts, words, action and deeds….
To create harmony in your life, wherever you are, be there. Be there fully and completely. Life involves making choices. Choose carefully what you want, and know what you don’t want and act accordingly. Our mind is powerful in ways we don’t even understand. Use the power of your mind to embrace positive thinking.
If you find your thoughts are negative or limiting, stop and replace those thoughts with positive ones. Your internal chatter is a good forecast to the direction your life is headed. Meditation is a good way to clear that negative chatter, and assist you in changing your thought process.
You are your own strength, your own power, and you could choose to live in harmony with yourself. You won’t be of much use to anyone else, if you are not at peace with yourself. Insecurities haven’t a chance against a positive mind. Accept your friends and family just the way they are. Strive for inner peace.
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