Sweet Spirit: We know that we are not better or worse than anyone else. Each of us is a person in this process of unfolding, discovering who and what we are. We choose to release any thoughts of judgment we may have, whether they are directed at ourselves or some other person. We take time to relax and remember that each person is a reflection of Your sweet and gentle presence. We express our concerns without losing our serenity and composure. We allow love, which is our essential nature, to always have the last word. And so it is.
Lord Jesus, I have come to You for help. I am struggling with judging others. Lord I want to ask You to redeem this. Jesus teach me how to pray for others when I realize they are struggling instead of judging them.
Help me to have a heart that shows compassion and mercy to people who hurting. I acknowledge that You are the righteous judge over all creation.
I surrender to You. I pray You would bless those whom I have judged and that Your grace would be real to them. Amen
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