An Angel is Forgiving. We have all been deeply hurt at one time in our lives. We can make this world a better place by becoming an angel of forgiveness for others during this time. When there is no earthly reason to forgive, no justification for letting someone off the hook, we can seek a reason beyond our earthly plane.
When we tell people that we forgive them for what they did, we often smile and try to convey the impression that we have warm feelings even though we still may feel angry. Many times, we do not have full control of our feelings. There is no way that we can cause the anger to vanish and be replaced by rosy feelings. Since we have only indirect influence on our feelings, we cannot help it if we have these feelings.
Anger is something God designed into us, as he had anger, himself. It motivates us to protect things that need protecting, whether they are tangible or intangible. It’s important to remember that forgiveness is not an emotion, it is an act of the will, an act of love. You don’t have to feel forgiving to forgive. Forgiving does not mean forgetting. That’s denial.
If you need to forgive someone, every time that person comes to mind, say the words “I forgive you” whether you feel it or not. Over time, start asking God to bless the person. Force yourself to do it. Make it a habit. Now watch how that sets your heart free.
Try calling upon your angels for holy intervention, to enable you to grant the grace of forgiveness to each other. When we do this, we become angels and make the world a more loving place for all of us.
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