Taurus Season Begins. This is the day the Sun enters the Zodiac sign Taurus and leaves it on May 20. This time is seasonally associated with the flourish of spring, when the Earth is green and fresh. Astrologers call it a fixed sign, indicating stability, resistance to change, and the ability to ‘enjoy the people’. It is a time of indulgence and appreciation. Jupiter continues to rise steadily, appearing several hours before sunrise, brightening the sky. Brightening and dancing is a gliding form of joy. It is about moving energy and feeling alive. It is a way of expressing our imagination and using our creative skills. Dancing along to music, even for five minutes, can boost happiness levels. It helps with social bonding. It is something we can enjoy at any point in our lives, no matter what our abilities are. Dancing makes us feel good because it’s such great fun. Turn on your favorite music and dance. Today is the day to focus on the simple things that bring us joy.
People born on April 20th are incredibly enthusiastic and are risk-takers and daredevils. Intensely curious, you love the hustle and bustle of city life. You thrive on the stimulus of meeting new people and exchanging ideas. Family and home are important to you, but you also value your freedom and independence.
Daily thought for April 20th: Security depends not so much upon how much you have, as upon how much you can do without.