With the Moon in Aquarius, we have a much stronger ability to attract a lot of friends due to these new, intense feelings of optimism and friendliness. We also tend to lose track of our own personal emotions, but we do try harder to display great tact in understanding the feelings and emotions of others.
All this new positive energy has you moving at a faster pace. Slow yourself down… don’t lose yourself in your work and outside activities. Without spending quality time with family and friends, satisfactory relationships are not likely to result. You must learn to be as strong in your private life as you are in your public life, and this cannot be accomplished without putting in the quality time. Having quality time is one of the best opportunities for growth. Growth together and individually. Take a nature walk. Every now and then it’s healthy to take a break from the digital world and be close to nature. Focus on appreciating the Sun, the grass and flowers, the fresh air, small animals, with friends and family by your side. Being able to spend time with your friends and having enjoyment in your life is one of the most important things you can do to alleviate stress. Friends are important to our well-being, and it’s beneficial to maintain those connections despite busy lives and overloaded schedules. Good friends will be around through the good and the bad, and will offer support no matter what you’re going through. Have a picnic, you can even do this in the living room… on the floor watching a movie with paper and plastic, maybe pizza and ice cream sandwiches, with no dishes to wash. Last but not least, take a moment to be grateful for the deep connections you have in your life. Rely on friends and family for support on the lows and sharing your highs. Be grateful for the opportunity you do have for quality time; in a world where many have struggles, we’re truly lucky beings!
If you were born on July 18th, you are a seeker of knowledge who is thoughtful and intelligent. Your ability to see the big picture and your willingness to work hard suggest that you can establish yourself and successfully undertake large projects. Your greatest assets are your strong instincts and the ability to combine your practical skills with original thinking. Your enthusiasm and optimism is unchallenged but your desire to influence others and tell them where they are going wrong can come across as opinionated and self righteous.
Daily thought for July 18th: Ability will enable a man to go to the top, but it takes character to keep him there.