Today is the Moon of Aquarius, a Moon of Purpose. You have a wonderful determination, but your restlessness (and some sadness) is making it difficult for you to follow your life plans. Instead of looking for a guarantee that tomorrow will be valuable, know that today is valuable—that you’re not wasting time because you don’t yet feel a sense of purpose. You’re using time well by starting (or continuing) the process of discovering it. Don’t look back at your yesterdays. There is no need to throw out any darkness in you, simply turn the light on. Look for the good in you everywhere and you will find it, even in the darkest hour. Then you will see how complete you truly are—that is true self-esteem, true self-love. Set some goals, for life without purpose is no life at all. Follow your bliss, find your true passion and purpose in life and start the journey to a new you!
People born on November 13th insist on making their own decisions and value judgments about everything they experience. You don’t hesitate to toss out old ideas and ways of doing things if they no longer work for you. Your friends will help you to learn discipline, so follow their lead. Being more open and up front about what you are doing will help you to overcome obstacles. Any kind of rigid approach only increases your problems and difficulties. No matter what challenges you face, your intelligence and ingenuity will conquer them. Your temper can be quite fierce and you may feel compelled to bring about change regardless of the consequences. You usually forget to maintain your emotional balance so try to be more aware. You possess a good eye for style.
Daily thought for November 13th: He who has no opinion of his own, but depends upon the opinion and taste of others, is a slave.