Today, you will need to be a tower of strength for others. People like you because you are always willing to support friends, family members, and relatives who may turn to you in time of need. Help them, but sometimes, learning not to be needed, to not always be in demand, is important to your need for rest and good mental health. Sometimes you have to put yourself first. Spend some time alone away from the social distractions and noise so that you can listen to your own thoughts and voice. Even if it is 10 minutes a day before everyone gets up or when everyone is in bed. Craft out time to be with your thoughts. You are an actual being that needs to be loved with great care, just like everyone else. You deserve to be loved as equally as you love others. You are a caretaker, an employee, a wife/husband, a daughter/son, a sister/brother, a friend, etc., and you can be all these things and still be your own self. In fact, if you’ve lost yourself in the hustle and bustle of taking care of others, then you must make it your mission to go out, hunt yourself down and care for yourself like never before. Be good to yourself, and be good to others, too.
People born on November 4th are affectionate, outgoing and sociable. Teamwork and partnerships suit you just fine, and you generally prefer sharing power and responsibility. You crave harmony on an inner level and may be willing to make sacrifices in order to achieve it. Try to cultivate a greater ability to have fun and be lighthearted. Have faith in the power of the Universe. Learning to be happy is probably the greatest single challenge to those born on this day.
Daily thought for November 4th: Contrary to popular thought, negative words do not release tension. They keep the body in a state of tension, constricting muscles and blood vessels, which often causes irrational behavior. Try to say something nice and hold the negative words back.