Love is the most powerful force in the Universe. A simple, 3 card Tarot Card “Love” spread can help guide you through this complicated emotion.
Each symbol on the Tarot Card has a specific meaning when it comes to Love. Take the time to look each of the cards over yourself and decide what it means to you and your particular romantic situation, then merge your ideas with those provided through the reading. For many, the most distressing times are those when we are confused about how we feel about a relationship we are in, which direction we want to go, or unsure of what decisions or choices we should make, and in such times it can really help to receive some guidance by consulting our Love Tarot reading.
The three Tarot Cards (below) were shuffled when you clicked on this page. This gives you your individual reading, specifically for you.
Click each Tarot Card to reveal it, then click again to see the description. Match to the Card Position Below. Enjoy!
3 Card “Love” Tarot Card Spread Positional Meanings:

The Three Card Spread is special and unique in many ways. Unlike the others, three cards do not solve only one fixed purpose. Each card and position can have different meanings. Every explanation depends on the motive behind the reading and the question bothering the user.
The 1st Card: The first card reveals the past energies that are affecting your current situation. It may also reveal what may be blocking or helping you move forward in the situation. The information revealed here can help you learn from your past.
The 2nd Card: This card represents the events that are currently taking place in your life. It is the energy of the present moment. If this card shows negative energy, you are probably going through a transformation period where you will learn to overcome the obstacles revealed to you.
The 3rd Card: This card represents the outcome of the situation. The information revealed may or may not be what you were looking for, but it is the most likely outcome given the circumstances as they are and the course you have been taking up to now.
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Tarot Card Love Readings
When you have clarity of mind, you feel more relaxed. Decisions and choices can then be made with good judgment. Consulting the cards may help you to get in touch with your intuition, your best guide when it comes to making those difficult choices and decisions. Begin by engage in activities of which you will feel proud. As for leading a life that is meaningful, everyone’s definition of “meaningful” varies. For you, it may be nothing more than sitting on a beach on a Saturday afternoon and enjoying the beautiful scenery. In general, though, leading a meaningful life should essentially be doing something that you would feel proud of later on.
Tarot Card Love Reading – Your Love Life
This reading is done through a 3-card spread with each card conveying a meaning that is somehow related to your Love life. The Love Tarot reading is used by people who really have doubts about the course their life is taking. If you are single, you can ask if you are going to have success in an upcoming relationship. For those who are in a couple relationship, you can ask if your relationship will last and if your partner is really sincere with you. The Love Tarot cards extend their support by suggesting to you, positive ways in which you can revamp the situation as required. Tarot Card Love Reading – The Reading
Clear your mind! Don’t pick cards if you are struggling with depression or just had a breakup. Calm yourself with yoga or meditation or a hot shower, whatever works for you best. You could also use scented candles or incense to keep your heart calm. Try to relax your body and quiet your mind. Allow your thoughts to come and go for a while without holding on to them. Make sure you take enough time to relax and compose yourself before you begin to select the cards. You will be amazed at the difference it makes. When you are ready, the three cards in this Love Tarot Reading will give you the guidance you are seeking.
Tarot Card Love Reading – Accepting the Reading
Treating Tarot dismissively is disrespectful to the Universe or Spirit realm that is communicating to you through the cards. You might not agree with the obstacles the world throws in your path, but the Universe always has your back. If you are able to approach the deck with an attitude of reverence and an understanding that you might not like what you see, then it is possible to get good insight from a Love reading you receive for yourself.
Tarot Card Love Reading – Conclusion
If you don’t understand your answer or are wondering what comes next, sit with the answer the cards gave you the first time, no matter how complicated a riddle it may be. Make a note of the cards or take a picture. Return to it as you move through the days. Eventually, when your third eye is open clearly, their full Wisdom will unfold.