June 2022 Astrological Events – June 2021 brings many exciting Celestial events! June’s Full Moon in Sagittarius is a Strawberry Moon as it comes at the time of year when wild strawberries are ripe. We will also experience June’s Summer Solstice! From June 4th, until the end of the month, we will be affected by the planet Saturn, which is responsible for our work responsibilities and financial well being.
June 2022 Astrological Events – June Brings Mercury Retrograde!

Mercury in the Retrograde direction is already weaker than last month, and therefore it will have a more significant effect only on Horoscopes in June, 2022, and on the home signs: Gemini, Virgo, and also on the air and earth signs of the zodiac. If you have already started some financial transactions or projects, it is the best time to complete them, due to the guidance of the Mercury influence.
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June 2022 Astrological Events – A Summer Solstice around June 21!

Around June 21, there will be a Summer Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere, where it is the longest day of the year. In the Southern Hemisphere, it’s the Winter Solstice and the shortest day of the year. Solstices happen twice a year – in June and December. The June Solstice happens around June 21, when the Sun is directly overhead the Tropic of Cancer. The December solstice takes place around December 21. On this day, the Sun is precisely over the Tropic of Capricorn.
June 2022 Astrological Events – Solstice Energies and Communication!

If you want to live consciously and tap into the Solstice energies, promise yourself that over the coming three months, you will pay better attention to how well you are communicating. This is most important when you are talking or writing. Also think about non-verbal communication signals you’re sending out (think — crossed arms and eye rolls.) This Solstice is known to bring the power of Love. Love comes in many forms, and the world could use a lot of it right now. Use this time to become a helper, an encouraging voice and a supportive friend to friends and family. Make an extra effort to be kind.
June 14 – The Strawberry Full Moon!

June’s Full Moon is often called the Strawberry Full Moon, after the berries that grow in the Northern Hemisphere around this time of the year. The Mead Moon and Honey Moon are old European names for June’s Full Moon, and some believe that it may be related to why the first month of marriage is called the honeymoon, since at least the 1500’s. This may be because of the practice of getting married in the month of June, or because June’s Honey Moon is considered as the “Sweetest Moon of the Year,” possibly due to the honey being ripe and ready for harvest at the end of the month.
June’s Full Moon is a Super Moon!

June’s Full Strawberry Moon on June 14 is also a Super Moon. It is the third of three Super Moons in 2022. When a Full Moon occurs at the closest point to Earth during its orbit, it appears larger and brighter, becoming what is commonly known as a ‘Super Moon.” A Super Moon looks much larger and far brighter than the Moon on any other night. If you have been having a rough year, in the emotional phase of life, you should look forward to witnessing a Super Moon. During this time, you should sit in the open, under the Moon, and let its light reach out to you. The longer you sit under this Moon, the more healing it will do for you. As the light reaches you, you will feel emotionally at ease and at peace. You may feel all your sorrows being washed away by the light of this Super Moon as it does your healing.
Affirmation for a Super Moon!

What to say while you reflect under the light of the Super Moon: I am cleansing. I am letting go. I am releasing all that must go. I let go of my regrets, and the pains of my past. I acknowledge that shadows exist but they are not all that lies on my path. My life is free, my light is clear. I am not one to succumb to my fear. Universe guide me so I may grow. I am open to the light. I am open to the love. I am open to the wholeness that flows from above. I am authentic me, I love myself and my life. Mother Moon, I thank you for this cleansing, thank you for this light. I am me. I am whole, and I trust the way the wind blows.
Full Moons Expose the Good, the Bad and the Ugly!

Full Moons are Celestial flashlights. They expose the good, the bad, and the ugly. Major information, especially pertaining to work and professional aspirations, will be revealed during this upcoming Strawberry Full Moon, Super Moon, so the best way to prepare is to keep an open mind and heart. Whether you’ve been hiding from some uncomfortable situations in your relationship, or you’ve been doubting yourself when it comes to making major career choices, the Strawberry Moon will show you exactly what’s going on with you, if you are open to it.
June 2022 Astrological Events – A Full Moon is a Time for Love and Light!

This month’s Full Moon is traditionally a time of wonder, in which people are encouraged to care for themselves, seek beauty in their surroundings, and, most importantly, incite positive changes in their lives. This is a difficult time for all of us. Try to manifest within your heart and soul the spirit of Love and Light and send it out to the world that is filled with great darkness. Make the effort to give a compliment to someone today. Make a habit of doing this at least once every day. Even the tiniest candle can light the darkest room. Let’s all do our part to make this a better, more accepting, world.
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