March 7 Full Moon in Virgo – The Moon is Full in Virgo on Tuesday, March 7, 2023. This Full Moon occurs in the sign of Virgo, when the Sun in Pisces forms an opposition to the Moon in Virgo.
March’s Full Worm Moon on March 7, 2023!

March’s Full Moon goes by the name “Worm Moon.” For many years, we thought this name referred to the earthworms that appear as the soil warms in spring. This invites robins and other birds to feed—a true sign of spring! As the temperature begins to warm and the ground begins to thaw, earthworm casts appear, heralding the return of the robins, thus the origin of the Full Worm Moon. Its energy is excellent to seek closures and make amends. People often find it easier to give up harmful and destructive habits during a Full Moon and prepare to start a new cycle in life.
March 7 Full Moon in Virgo and Karmic Change!

March’s Full Moon is a signal to get in touch with Karmic change. While each Karmic change in life is unique, some of the common themes include how you relate to yourself and others, how you love, how you express self-worth, and how you let go. It’s often a karmic lesson when we find ourselves in relationships or circumstances full of red flags and repeated patterns. Only we can truly know what’s best for us on our path. Work on finding your own happiness, and appreciate what is going well in your life.
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March 7 Full Moon in Virgo brings Positive Changes!

The Worm Moon in practical Virgo coincides with the sun, Mercury, and Neptune, all in romantic water sign Pisces. As such, this is a time when we’re more sensitive to emotional undercurrents and the allure of fantasies and magic. Since the Moon is tightly related to our emotions, it will be very important to sort out feelings and figure out how we feel deep inside. Some might feel the need to get rid of the clutter in their life, including their emotional clutter. Creating positive changes around diet, fitness and health will do well now.
Virgo Goddess of March’s Full Moon!

The Virgo Full Moon, is a time to heal. It’s a time to sit with our pain, trauma, and heartache and give ourselves love and compassion. Virgo is the sign of the goddess, perfect unto herself. This archetype carries many gifts, but the most important one is that important power to heal. This Full Moon requires you to work through some deep emotional terrain related to your inner or early life. Healing self-work can be especially productive now.
March’s Full Moon and Strong Emotions!

You may be finding deeper meaning in your daily life and recognizing the power of routine. This is a major test to listen to your intuition and connect with yourself through spiritual practices. You have the answers you need. Your Full-Moon self-care practice: Reading and writing serve a higher purpose at this time. As the Full Moon is energetically the strongest, it also brings out the strongest emotions. This makes it a good day to get a feel for each area of your life, to see if you are operating at your energetic optimum level.
March 7 Full Moon in Virgo and the Power of Serving Others!

Virgo is also known to be a sign of servitude, so Virgo Moons tend to have an inherent emotional need to serve themselves and others. They feel good when they help their friends, often guiding them through problems and offering practical solutions. Helping others is always a good thing. Just make sure you take care of yourself. You may find that you are often feeling anxious or emotionally upset. Research has shown that we actually sleep less on the Full Moon, so it’s important to ensure you care for your body.
Full Moons and CATS!

In Astrology, Virgos are often linked to domestic animals. The house cat is the perfect spirit animal for Virgos as they are clever, alert, self absorbed and witty. For them, cleanliness is crucial. During a Virgo Full Moon, people have a strong obsession with maintaining clean and polished surroundings just like cats who are meticulous cleaners. Cats are known to be spiritual protectors ever since ancient times, so its not a surprise when they provide us with a sense of calm and relaxation.
It’s Time for Smudging!

This Full Moon in Virgo tends to mark a big build-up of energy—both light and dark. This makes it the perfect time to cleanse your space, body and mind. It is the perfect time to remove or let go of any of that built-up energy you no longer feel like harnessing, capturing or otherwise holding onto. Consider smudging your home, then taking a luxurious bath to unwind. Live by the mantra “let everything that doesn’t belong to me go”—even if just for tonight.
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