Moon Phases September 2021 – This September Full Moon will rise late-night on Monday, September 20, just two days before the Fall Equinox! It will be taking place in the dreamy and emotional realm of Pisces, located within the Constellation of Virgo.
Moon Phases September 2021 – Full Harvest Moon!

The Full Moon that happens nearest to the fall Equinox always takes on the name “Harvest Moon.” Unlike other Full Moons, this Full Moon rises at nearly the same time—around sunset—for several evenings in a row, giving farmers several extra evenings of moonlight and allowing them to finish their harvests before the frosts of fall arrive. This Full Moon is also referred to as the “Corn Moon.” This phase of the Moon is the most active of the Moon cycles and typically brings with it increased stamina and evening energy. Frost occurring in the dark of the moon kills fruit buds and blossoms, but frost in the light of the moon will not.
Moon Phases September 2021 – Fall Equinox!

The Fall Equinox, occurring on September 22, has the Sun shining directly on the equator and there will be nearly equal amounts of day and night throughout the world. This is also the first day of Fall in the Northern Hemisphere and the first day of Spring in the Southern Hemisphere. This Fall Equinox brings a powerful time to tap into the wisdom of the Earth, the light of the Sun, and your profound connection with Source, and the entire Cosmos.
Full Moon in Pisces!

This Full Moon in Pisces may find you drifting and dreaming. These Full Moon vibrations could have you more concerned with the thoughts that are dancing through your head than the realities of everyday life. Realistic daydreams show us what might actually be possible for our lives. Also, fantasy-based daydreaming gives people the pleasant experience of enjoying a mental reward without any effort. It’s always important to have a balance.
Moon Phases September 2021 – A Feeling of Sensitivity!

A Full Moon in Pisces can give you feelings of sensitivity. But you are also experiencing insecurities, of being passive, and you are just waiting to see what happens next in your life. When your only goal is to make it through another day or make it to the weekend, that is a massive portion of your life that you are throwing away. Walking, jogging, hiking and bike riding outdoors are all important forms of physical activity, and are important for your mental health as well as physical.
Moon Phases September 2021 – Our Sixth Sense!

A Full Moon is the phase of the Moon when we tend to be incredibly sensitive people that have been gifted with a sharp intuition. Our sixth sense is so strong at this time that we often display psychic abilities, and are prone to having prophetic dreams and picking up on things around us that others might miss. Dreams are a portal, and the more acquainted we become with this subconscious realm, the more easily we are able to access the full spectrum of our psychic gift.
Moon Phases September 2021 – Constellation of Virgo!

Although the September’s Full Moon is in the Sign of Pisces, it lies within the Constellation of Virgo. Virgo season will force you to really hunker down and focus on what’s happening in your life, and that can have a big impact on your future. Dedicating some time now to figure out the best way to get ahead at work can impact you and your career for years. Once you’ve got your work stuff nailed down, you’ll turn your laser vision over to your love life. If you’re single, you’ll be ready to find someone to cozy up to once the weather turns cooler.
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A Time for Smudging!

Freeing your home of stagnant energies can be done anytime, but it’s a good rule of thumb to do a thorough smudging of your home four times a year when the seasons change. Create a sacred space with candles and sage smudging. Burn sage in a safe bowl and use a feather to fan the sacred smoke. Then place a large water-filled bowl in front of you, in the middle of a table. This can be done inside or out, with friends or alone. Place a floating candle into the bowl. Declare what you want to release under this Moon. Allow the candle to keep burning in the bowl as a symbol of the letting-go process.
Moon Phases September 2021 – A Time for Letting Go!

Things to Release: Fear of change, Grief, Shame, Releasing a job, Ending a relationship and the energy attached to it, Belief that you’re not good enough, Comparing yourself to others, Worrying about money, Clinging onto things, Fear of success, Letting go of the need for approval from others, Fear of criticism and judgment, Old beliefs that are no longer serving you.
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