“The natives born under the Sign Pisces are generous and emotional. They are quite popular in their social circles for being a genuine friend to everyone. They value human relations the most and put the people she/ he loves above everything else.”
Pisces – The Fish
Pisces is the twelfth astrological sign in the Zodiac. It’s element is Water and its ruling planet is Neptune. Pisces represents the fish, (two fish captured by a string) sometimes represented by Koi Fish, into which Aphrodite and her son, Eros transformed in order to escape the monster, Typhon.
Colors, Lucky Day, Stone, Numbers for Pisces
The quartz gemstone for the Pisces is the Clear Quartz Crystal. It is specifically identified by astrologers because it is quartz in its purest form. It is the amethyst when violet and citrine when yellow. This crystal is good to wear as it is a soothing crystal that will aid in alleviating anxiety and stress. The Lapis Lazuli also helps the Pisceans with truth-seeking when worn with the Quartz Crystal. Their best day of the week is Thursday. It is a day for renewed energy after working so hard for the last three days. It is the most productive day of the week. Lucky numbers for the Pisces (female) is 12 and (male) 21. Look for your power number 37 for good luck. Best color for the Pisces (female) is Mauve and (male) Sea Green.
What Makes a Pisces Tick?
The people born under this sign have a mystical side to their nature as well as the practical. They live idealistically and can be very generous and compassionate. Pisceans feel misunderstood much of the time as they tend to withdraw into a dream world, in quest for new ideas and solutions. They express themselves in literature, music and art. They love luxury and pleasure. The Pisces is very sensitive, rather than mechanical.
Pisceans are loyal, family oriented, kind and giving. They enjoy helping others and dislike confrontation. The Pisces is a good listener and are the ones friends go to when they need advice. They are popular in their social circles and try to be a genuine friend to everyone. They are creative and can think out of the box, which makes them stand out from the crowd.
The Pisces female loves adventure and social events. She is graceful while attending gatherings and voices her opinion often. She chooses love over money, as money doesn’t appeal to her because materialistic desires are unimportant. She is a romantic, very forgiving, and super devoted.
The male Pisces is guided by ideas. He is the perfectionist. He will bring all of his best qualities to the table in a romantic relationship, and will prove himself worthy of consideration. He is always searching for the perfect partner who loves to travel and will experience other cultures with him. The Pisces man is caring and will prove to be your most trusted friend. It will take the Pisces guy time to feel comfortable in a relationship before he is willing to commit.
Pisceans are better working for themselves than for a large corporation. If they are working in a job that asks them to do repetitive and monotonous tasks every day, they would not be happy, or feel fulfilled. They need a job that allows them to express themselves and be true to their creative vision. Their metaphysical nature can lead them into careers in the Spiritual realm, and they make exceptional mediums and counselors. Another ideal career for the Pisceans is that of a photographer.
Famous Pisces Personalities Include:
Alexander Graham Bell, Justin Bieber, Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Reggie Bush, Frederic Chopin, Grover Cleveland, Nat King Cole, Gordon Cooper, Daniel Craig, Bryan Cranston, Wyatt Earp, Albert Einstein, Horton Foote, Yuri Gagarin, Jackie Gleason, Mikhail Gorbachev, George Harrison, Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr, Sam Houston, Ron Howard, L. Ron Hubbard, Victor Hugo, Kathy Ireland, Steve Irwin, Andrew Jackson, Steve Jobs, Quincy Jones, Edwardf Kennedy, Jack Kerouac, Hank Ketcham, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Eva Longoria, Clare Boothe Luce, Michelangelo, Rupert Murdoch, Chuck Norris, Fred Rogers, Dr. Seuss, James Taylor, George Washington, Henny Youngman.