2020 October Astrological Events! – From two Full Moons, a Star named Spica, to a Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio, October 2020 is going to be anything but boring. We will also experience a Rare Halloween Blue Moon that will close out the Month.
2020 October Astrological Events – Full Moon in Aries!

The Full Moon in Aries kicks off the month on October 1st, with Venus in the last degree of Leo and the intensity of the Pluto station looming. The sequence of Full Moons through the year are often assigned names according to the seasons in which they fall. This month’s will be the third to fall in summer 2020 – the Full Harvest Moon. The Sun and Moon are in a partile (same degree) connection with the ever unpredictable planet of Uranus. This connection is with a semi sextile and a quincunx, which means you feel change around you that you can’t quite see what it is. You simply know something is about to happen.
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2020 October Astrological Events – Mercury Goes Retrograde!

Mercury goes Retrograde in Scorpio on October 14th to November 3rd. During a Mercury retrograde period, we need to be extremely careful with our language. Triple-check every text, email, and DM, and take the time to carefully explain your intentions. Surviving Mercury retrograde is pretty simple. Remember to proofread everything, choose your words carefully, avoid signing contracts or at least read them very carefully, back up your data, and plan for travel mishaps.
2020 October Astrological Events – Spica, A Star of Fortune!

The Libra New Moon is on Friday the 16th, and is blessed with the alignment of a fortuitous fixed star called Spica, a star of fortune, while it is in difficult contrast, being opposite Mars and square Saturn/Pluto. The message of this New Moon appears to be saying to count your blessings, let go of that which you cannot control, be patient, and be kind and secure within your own inner space — even when others rant and rage against whatever they take exception to.
2020 October Astrological Events – Good Fortunes!

This Star, Spica, is the brightest star in the constellation Virgo, and one of the top 20 overall brightest stars visible to us, so it’s quite well known. The Sun passes north of Spica on October 16th this year. This Star, Spica, isn’t a singleton. It’s actually two stars. Spica A has a mass of about 10 times the Sun’s, while its smaller companion Spica B about six times more massive than the Sun. Spica is 275 light years away from our solar system. This means it takes 275 years for the light emitted from Spica in present time to actually be visible to us on the Earth. What we view today is a 275-year old picture of Spica. Good Fortunes abound during this event.
2020 October Astrological Events – Full Blue Moon!

The month closes out with another Full Moon — a Blue Moon — on Saturday, October 31st, and this one will be full of surprises. Happening in Taurus, this Full Moon is almost exactly conjunct Uranus, the planet of sudden change. Anything could happen relating to money or possessions Expect the unexpected. When you look at the Full Moon on Halloween night, it won’t appear blue in color but you’ll be looking at something pretty uncommon. A Full Moon on Halloween only occurs roughly once every 19 years. It’s said that the spirits of the dead wander around during this time in the moonlight.
2020 October – A Time of Higher Consciousness!

The Taurus Full Blue Moon is at 8 degrees of Taurus. One of the good things from a Full Moon in Taurus is that usually, the energy that pulls you more towards what is going on outside your life, is also an energy of self-care and self-love. Taurus is sensuality, sexuality, pleasures, good food, and taking care of your body with a little bit of luxury. This Full Moon is a time that we can tap into our higher consciousness and see life from a different perspective, away from the drama that is unfolding in our lives right now. Make sure to give yourself some love during this time!
2020 October – A Time for Fun!

If we decide to use the energy of a Full Blue Moon to our advantage, we can achieve great things with it. Like a Full Moon on steroids, it will deliver potent results, so it’s up to us to be sure the efforts we make will deliver the results we want! Why not plan something fun for Halloween and don’t shy away from a flashy costume that’ll draw you some attention. This is a time to have fun and get in touch with your will, your drive, and your true self!
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