All the planets will be direct at this time. This is good news. This is your Green Light from the Universe to go after your heart’s desire. Tonight there will be a Moon of gratitude, sharing, and enthusiasm. You are extremely generous, almost to a fault. You understand that giving is the essential part of goodness, but sometimes you have a problem in setting limits. However, you would rather be taken advantage of than to hurt someone’s feelings. You just can’t deal with seeing the people you care about struggle, even a tiny bit. Because you think they should have everything they could possibly want – even if that means you’re living on dry crackers all week. If giving to someone is good, the natural thought would be that giving more is better. The truth is, there is a danger of overwhelming the person who is the recipient of your giving. As a result, this person may feel stressed about their own lack, so be mindful. Experts say that giving increases happiness, fulfillment, and purpose in the life of the giver. We were not designed to be creatures of selfishness. Instead, we were designed to seek and discover happiness in loving and caring for others. It is your time to shine.
People born on February 21st are exceedingly kind and very creative. You would much rather be happy doing something that is artistic and expressive than to be wealthy but not contributing to the world. The day to day grind of life gives you little satisfaction, but you are moved by the smallest of inspirations, and find yourself noticing many little miracles each day that the average person misses.
Daily thought for February 21st: Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.