The World Card
When the World card shows up in your reading, your efforts are finally being rewarded, or you have come to the end of a journey, or you have concluded a significant life cycle. You are reaching a point in your day or situation where all things are truly coming full circle. The message here is: stay committed and fixated on your goals like these signs do, and success is just around the corner. It signifies completion of one journey, and the beginning of another all new exciting one. Know that the world is definitely your oyster at this time! Everything you’ve been working for is about to happen!
The World Card (Reversed)
The World Card, when Reversed, indicates that though you will undoubtedly achieve your goals, you will not be completely pleased with the results. There may be a lack of closure in some area of your life. You are showing signs of frustration due to the lack of completing an important project. Although you have the desire to go back to the past and achieve your goals, you know deep within your heart, that you have to move on and enjoy where you are right now. The world is yours to be shared when love and self-honor are present.