Capricorn August 2019 Horoscope
The Capricorn August 2019 Horoscope, (Capricorn born December 22 to January 19), including a list of key events for August, a review of Capricorn personality traits (see below), and links to Daily Astrology throughout August 2019.
Read Also: Governing Angel for Capricorn | Historical Side of Capricorn | Capricorn – Is This Me? | Daily Astrology
Capricorn August 2019 Horoscope:
Capricorn Themed Gifts from Amazon
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Capricorn – The Goat
“Capricorns have an enormous admiration for those who have preceded them to the top of the mountain, and who have laid down the laws for the journey. They court success; they respect authority and honor tradition.”
Capricorn is the tenth astrological sign in the Zodiac, Capricorn is an Earth sign and is ruled by the planet Saturn. It is in the smallest constellation in the Zodiac. Its symbol is based on the Sumerians’ primordial God of wisdom and waters, with the head and upper body of a mountain goat and the lower body and tail of a fish.
Colors, Lucky Day, Stone, Numbers for Capricorn
The quartz gemstone for the Capricorn is Garnet. It is an energy stone that is especially known for protecting the Capricorn from evil during nightmares and is a power stone when traveling. Garnet has been used to release bad karma, which can be considered a form of protection in this life. The Blue Sapphire is also a crystal gemstone that is believed to have beneficial healing properties for the Capricorn. Wearing a Blue Sapphire is thought to bring mental clarity and lessen confusion for those born under this sign. The best colors for the Capricorn are (female) oyster white and (male) smoky black. The good fortune lucky numbers for Capricorn are (female) 7 and (male) 3. Look for your power number, 32. The lucky day for the Capricorns is Saturday. It is the day of completion, as it gives an energy for productivity and accomplishment. Important tasks can be accomplished with assured success on Saturdays.
Capricorn August 2019 Horoscope – What Makes a Capricorn Tick?
Capricorns like being in control of their surroundings and everyone in their life. They do not want help from anyone, they want to be independent and take care of everything their way as they do not trust easily. They feel that they are responsible for everybody and everything. They are willing to work hard and expect to always succeed. Security is very important to the Capricorn, they need a good stock portfolio, and loyal family in their life, to be content. They appear to be calm and collected but inside they are not.
The Capricorn Zodiac sign is the most stable of all Zodiac signs. They dislike having to make a promise they are not sure they can keep and find it difficult accepting responsibilities unless they know they can handle it. They tend to be conservative in their approach to life in general. They never seek help from others, but expect family and friends to come to them for help and guidance.
The Capricorn male is a professional in the business world. He is very protective of his loved ones, and expect to be the one making sure everyone in his family is safe. He will seek out a partner who he feels has the same drive and who he believes is also goal-oriented. He is dependable and loyal to family and friends. He prefers intelligence and character in a mate, over looks and power. Emotional involvement does not come easily to him.
The Capricorn female is down to earth and determined to live a free spirited life. Her independence and natural leadership skills are impressive. She is a practical woman with a strong sense of individuality. A Capricorn woman tends to seek out relationships that will help her gain stability while letting her fly free. She loves tradition and would do well in the role of wife and mother.
A Capricorn is a workaholic, and they take their careers very seriously. They tend to choose careers that are not really their best fit because they believe they need power, status, and a steady income. You will find them in careers involving Management, Finance and Banking. They would be happier if they would choose Advertising, Public Relations, or even that of an Architect, instead.
Capricorn August 2019 Horoscope – Famous Capricorn Personalities Include:
Horatio Alger, Benedict Arnold, Joan Baez, Clara Barton, Bernadette of Lourdes, Jeff Bezos, Mary J.Blige, Orlando Bloom, David Bowie, Jimmy Buffett, Carlos Castaneda, Katie Couric, Ted Cruz, Paula Deen, John DeLoren, Millard Fillmore, George Foreman, A.J. Foyt, Benjamin Franklin, Alexander Hamilton, J.Edgar Hoover, Howard Hughes, Kidd Rock, Robert E. Lee, Kate Middleton, Sir Isaac Newton, Richard Nixon Dolly Parton, Edgar Allen Poe, Popeye, Elvis Presley, Howard Stern, Rod Stewart, Dwayne Wade, Betty White, Tiger Woods, Yellowman, Rob Zombie.