Three of Pentacles
The Three of Pentacles indicates teamwork, partnerships, collaboration and implementation of tasks. In the Three of Pentacles, we focus on the nature of the Group, as depicted in the three men standing outside a church, and how we work within groups. This Card deals with more than just an honest day’s pay for an honest day’s work, recognition is also extremely important. A doorway or two has opened for you and at last you have been given a break. Make sure you take full advantage and use it to your best ability. This Three suggests that you are also putting in the necessary work and effort in your relationships to ensure you build them on good foundations.
Three of Pentacles (Reversed)
The Three of Pentacles Reversed speaks of rushed jobs and taking short-cuts. The imagery now suggests a building that is sinking into the ground instead of rising out of it and we must question how strong our foundations are. There appears to be a lack of pride in what you do. All you want to do is get the job done and move on as your heart is really not in this at all. You may feel that you do not receive the recognition you deserve or that others take the credit for you work. In relationships, this Reversed card can be a sign that no effort is being put in to making it work. It indicates a lack of commitment and growth.