The Empress Card
The Empress is all about the expression of female energy, artistic pursuits, and intuitive powers. She is your female side. The Empress signifies abundance in beauty and love through a deep connection with nature and the Universe. She symbolizes feminine power. When the Empress appears in your reading, you can rest assured that all is in a good place in your world. The Empress is powerful and very self-assured. She questions none of the decisions she makes, in the same way a mother raising her young does not question herself. You have worked hard to reach this place, and have done well!
The Empress Card (Reversed)
The Empress Card, when Reversed, is about confidence, and your lack of it. With the Empress finding her way into your life, it could also mean that you are relying on others to take care of you, and make decisions for you. This is a sign of an imbalance within you. When the Empress appears reversed, she gently asks you to consider which area of your life is feeling neglected. She represents love, so if there is an area that feels abandoned, it is time to make it a priority. The Empress reminds you that love will protect and shield you. Giving yourself a little more love is all that is needed to make a huge breakthrough.