Two of Wands
The Two of Wands symbolize discovery, decisions, future planning and progress. The Man with the wands believes that the Wand he holds can take him to exciting places and even greater achievements than he already has. The Two of Wands often brings the question of whether to stay with what you are used to or to go in search of new experiences or a new life. It suggests that you are finally stepping out of your cocoon and exploring new experiences and worlds. While the beginning might seem tough and difficult, the Two of Wands card encourages you to strive on and push forward.
Two of Wands (Reversed)
When the Reversed Two of Wands appears, you can expect that a relationship will either deepen and become even more committed, or if you’re looking for love, that a new relationship is very likely to begin soon. It challenges you to examine and overcome your fears. It encourages you to take risks that may bring you Joy. Possible deception accompanies the Two of Wands Reversed. Look closely at your situation and those around you for everything may not be what it seems. You need to remember to put situations in perspective. Often worries and fears can confuse events in our minds.