October Astrology & Birthday Astrology Zodiac Signs: Libra, Scorpio Monthly Horoscope: Libra, Scorpio October and Astrology In October, the summer spectacle is ending, with all planets now losing their luster simultaneously. Venus starts very low and then vanishes into the solar glare. Jupiter is barely up as twilight ends. Mars, highest soon after nightfall, is rapidly…
Tag: Scorpio
November Astrology
November Astrology & Birthday Astrology Zodiac Signs: Scorpio, Sagittarius Monthly Horoscope: Scorpio, Sagittarius November and Astrology During November, Mars, having resumed its normal eastward motion against the stars, speeds from Capricornus into Aquarius, gaining elevation to stand about a third of the way up the southern sky at nightfall. Jupiter meets Mercury on the 1st, is…
SCORPIO – Historical Side of the Zodiac
Scorpio is the eighth sign of the Zodiac and comes after the autumn has begun in Libra. Scorpio is a water sign, governed by Mars. Mars is a “doer of things,” also fiery at times, therefore, it was believed that the Scorpio native must take heed, lest he sometimes “boils over.” The constellation of Scorpio…
Zodiac Signs – Historical Backgrounds
Astrology is an ancient and fascinating concept. The stories and history behind each sign is engaging, entertaining, and very informative! ARIES – The science of Astrology began with the Babylonians around 2,000 years ago. One of the oldest and most common forms in which the signs of the Zodiac have been brought down through the…