July Astrology & Birthday Astrology Zodiac Signs: Cancer, Leo Monthly Horoscope: Cancer, Leo July and Astrology Venus grows brighter but sinks lower in the West in July. Mercury is low at twilight during the first half of the month, between Venus and the sunset point. Earth reaches its annual far point from the Sun, Aphelion, at…
Tag: Leo
August Astrology
August Astrology & Birthday Astrology Zodiac Signs: Leo, Virgo Monthly Horoscope: Leo, Virgo August and Astrology Mars remains spectacular and is brighter than Jupiter all month. Venus brightens but continues to sink lower, thanks to the increasingly horizontal slant of the post-sunset zodiac. Mercury begins a good morning star apparition towards the end of August. Far…
LEO – Historical Side of the Zodiac
The fifth astrological sign of the Zodiac is Leo, originating from the constellation of Leo. Leo is considered to be a “masculine” positive, extrovert sign. It is a fire sign that is also ruled by the Sun, and the children of that celestial sign are natural sun worshipers. Leo is the Latin word for Lion….
Zodiac Signs – Historical Backgrounds
Astrology is an ancient and fascinating concept. The stories and history behind each sign is engaging, entertaining, and very informative! ARIES – The science of Astrology began with the Babylonians around 2,000 years ago. One of the oldest and most common forms in which the signs of the Zodiac have been brought down through the…