“Known for being reliable, practical, ambitious and sensual, the people born under the Zodiac Sign Taurus have an eye for beauty. They tend to be good with finances, and hence, make efficient financial managers.” Taurus – The Bull Taurus is the second sign of the Zodiac, it is the sign of the Bull. The Sun…
Search Results for: happiness
LIBRA – September 23 to October 22
” Librans love people, but they hate large crowds. Like gentle doves of peace, they go around mediating and patching tip quarrels between others; still they enjoy a good argument themselves. They’re goodnatured and pleasant, but they can also be sulky, and they balk at taking orders. Libra’s are extremely intelligent. “ Libra – The Scales Libra is…
Secret Serendipity
“Eventually all things fall into place. Until then, laugh at the confusion, live for the moments, and know EVERYTHING HAPPENS FOR A REASON.” ~ Albert Schweitzer ~ People tend to look back on bad or difficult things that have happened in their lives, and in hindsight they find they can say, “Well, if that hadn’t…
Finance & Career – Pathways to Success
Are things going well in your career? Is there a raise or promotion in your future? Are you ready for a change? Sometimes, you can gain insight into the best profession for you based on your planetary movements. Success may be right around the corner. If you are thinking about switching careers, or actually looking…
TAURUS – Is This Me?
Is This Me? Taurus people are Earth people, which makes them powerful in all that they do. A Taurus will always look for the reward for work well done, and they seem to do well finding it. They are stubborn and love the material pleasures. A Taurus is great at accumulating money, loves the finer…
July 11th Astrology Reading
Today brings the Sun in Neptune. Sun conjunct Neptune intensifies vibrations for compassionate and tolerant people to continue on their right track. These people are very sensitive, especially with regards to any real or imagined blows to their ego. It is so completely natural for them to accept that there is more to the world…
July 22nd Astrology Reading
Tonight’s Moon is in Pisces. We tend to root for the underdog, lift up the lowly, and try to soothe the wounded. The vibrations at this time, has us getting overly involved in the problems of others, and temporarily lose ourselves in the process. We soften our hard edges and find forgiveness where there was…
July 27th Astrology Reading
Tonight’s Moon is in Gemini. When the Moon is in Gemini, there’s a restlessness in the air. We want to be out and about, seeing new things and socializing. We are in a state of sensitivity and fond of communication, learning and cultures. The need for variety and change is often really strong here, and…
July 29th Astrology Reading
Meteor showers arise when the Earth passes through streams of debris left behind by comets and asteroids. As pebble-sized pieces of debris collide with the Earth, they burn up at an altitude of around 70 to 100 km, appearing as shooting stars. Seeing a shooting star tonight means that there is going to be a…
August 4 Astrology Reading
Without the Moon, a day on Earth would only last six to twelve hours. There could be more than a thousand days in one year! That’s because the Earth’s rotation slows down over time thanks to the gravitational force — or pull of the Moon — and without it, days would go by in a…
August 6 Astrology Reading
Asteroid 16 Psyche is at Opposition. When 16 Psyche lies opposite to the Sun in the night sky, the solar system is lined up so that 16 Psyche, the Earth and the Sun, lie in a straight line. The story of Psyche is not just about love lost, and love re-found, but about a deeper…
August 8 Astrology Reading
Tonight brings vibrations from the planet, Venus. It is the planet of pure desire, and brings the energy of love, balance and harmony. It brings the ability to appreciate and to value, to love and be loved. The Moon Sextile Saturn (Capricorn) tonight. This sextile gives responsibility and reliability – accompanied by organizational talent. At…
August 10 Astrology Reading
Today brings the approach of the Moon and Jupiter. They will make a close approach, passing within 2°25′ of each other. The meetings of the Moon and Jupiter are generally happy transits, ideal opportunities for socializing. Due to the jovial energy of Jupiter you can generously overlook the flaws of others and focus on the…
August 14 Astrology Reading
Venus is at Superior Solar Conjunction. This occurs once in every synodic cycle of the planet (584 days), and marks the end of Venus’ apparition in the morning sky. It brings hope to the hopeless. It is a time to wipe away all tears and appreciate the appearance of the morning star at daybreak. It’s…
August 17 Astrology Reading
The energy of tonight’s Moon brings awareness to your creative ability that you have been keeping to yourself, talents that have been expressed only when forced or through pain. When aware, it can bring great Joy. Lying in the constellation Capricornus, it is associated in a material sense with ambition, and in a spiritual sense…
August 18 Astrology Reading
Tonight, the Moon (Pisces) is Conjunct with Neptune (Pisces). This conjunction, to us, is about the results of Karma, of old experiences making themselves known and the willingness to take responsibility for healing what has happened in the past. Karma, in short, is a cycle of cause and effect. What you sow, you shall reap….
August 24 Astrology Reading
Tonight brings a Moon (Gemini) Opposition Jupiter (Sagittarius). This can be quite an emotionally-exhausting combination because the emotional needs of the Moon are combined with the yearning to expand, grow, and learn that Jupiter represents. A Moon-Jupiter Opposition is also a time when we find ourselves falling into incredibly lucky situations. You’re often much more…
August 25 Astrology Reading
Tonight brings Mars at Aphelion. Its distance from the Sun varies over 20% – meaning that it receives 31% less heat and light from the Sun at Aphelion, as compared to Perihelion. Mars is the planet of desire, action, and energy. It represents the survival instinct of humanity. Mars both repels and attracts, so you…
August 27 Astrology Reading
Tonight brings the Moon in (Cancer) Opposition Pluto (Capricorn). Pluto is a symbol of extremes, and Moon Pluto aspect suggests the extreme power of your emotions. Used consciously, this means your emotions are directed toward a purpose, and will attract support from others. This Opposition emits positive vibrations. Your colorful and personal magnetism will extend…
August 30 Astrology Reading
Tonight’s Moon offers us the ability to feel, learn from the past and creatively unlock and express our essence. Take time to reflect back on your old goals and set yourself new ones. Too often people don’t realize their full potential because they are afraid to step outside of what makes them comfortable. While it…
August 31 Astrology Reading
Tonight’s Moon is in Trine with Pluto. This is a time when the Moon Trine Pluto increases your emotional sensitivity and psychic perception. You will feel things more powerfully and are likely to be transformed by your intense emotional reactions. Moon Trine Pluto brings a time of powerful gut instincts and the ability to easily…
September 4 Astrology Reading
Sometime this morning, during your shower or at breakfast, you probably did a mental run-through of your day. You decided when you’d tackle various tasks and errands. Perhaps you vowed to hit the gym at lunchtime. Maybe you even plotted to get out of something. The one thing you forgot to plan for: happiness. Today,…
September 5 Astrology Reading
Before you answer someone, inhale slowly, exhale slowly, put on a thoughtful expression, and say to yourself, “Well, let me think about that.” If you reply too quickly, your lack of impulse control can sabotage your relationships, your budget, and your self-esteem. It’s time to look seriously at your impulsive nature, a quality that enhances…
September 6 Astrology Reading
The act of savoring—mining pleasant moments for their joy—is a proven happiness booster. In one study, 101 men and women kept diaries for a month, recording positive activities they participated in and how much they did or didn’t savor them. Those who tended to enjoy a good thing—and share their delight with others—maintained high levels…